
Ini Para Juara Flobamora Cup I

Ini Para Juara Flobamora Cup I

FOTO: Para juara Turnamen Flobamora Cup I tahun 2022 foto bersama usai menerima tropy dan hadiah.

MINUT, JP – Turnamen Sepak Bola Flobamora Cup I tahun 2022 yang berlangsung sejak 17 Juli hingga 25 September di Lapangan Yonif Zipur Maumbi, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, telah berakhir dengan sukses.

Turnamen yang digelar oleh Flobamora Sulawesi Utara, ormas yang berbadan hukum berdasarkan SK Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI tertanggal 29 Juni 2022 ini, untuk memeriahkan HUT ke-77 Kemerdekaan RI dan HUT ke-58 Provinsi Sulut serta semakin memupuk persaudaraan dan tali silaturahmi seluruh warga Sulut asal Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

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Berikut ini data para juara di Turnamen Sepak Bola Flobamora Cup I:

Juara 1:


Pemain Nagekeo FC.

Nama -nama Pemain:

Os, Edwin, Yos, Us, Risno, Rein, Ferdi kewa, Lape, Alviero, Rian, Ando, Beny, Frans,;Fauzan, Jefry dan Eman

Offisial: Marius Mite (Manager) dan :Irenus Wegu

Official Nagekeo FC

Juara 2


Pemain Wangi Cendana FC

Nama-nama Pemain:

Rufil Abineno, Yardi Rakmeni, Ronal Runesi, Demas Hauteas, Wandi Bana, Wadi Nenoharan, Stendi Noni, Mipser Manek, Wongen Notti, Mekris Baitanu, Kevin Fina, Joi Abineno, Riki Benu, Marten Baunsele, Melfin Mnir, Rusdi Nabut, Kim Efi, Melki Se’u, Funan Fina, Ari Nahak, Felix Fina dan Ardi Fa’ot.

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Offisial: Hiro Neonlei, Novri Liunome dan Angki Lanpada

Official Wangi Cendana FC.

Juara 3:


Pemain Persematim FC.

Nama-nama Pemain:

Ronal, Acok, Yance, Dedi, Tejo, Aldi, Fian, Arsi, Renal, Eby, Arlan, Iren, Kor , Oby, Moy, Fandi, Steven, Marsi dan Edu

Offisia: Donsius

Juara 4:


n Offisial Matungkas Star

Nama-nama Pemain:

Febry, Ican, Yoris, Andry, Yanto, Dedi, Tomo, Willi, Tomas, Dafri, Daniel, Heri, Bogem, Lius, Andik,:Candra, Carlos dan Lion

Official; Edi Darman

Tim Paling Fair Play:


Adonara FC.

Nama-nama Pemain:

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Ari Soba, Ramli, Ampit, Arif, Alex, Ben, Chelo, Stefen, Apong, Fadli, Julius, Berto Biku, Lexyban, Ferdi Kapitan, Mario Tokan, Toni Odung, Kans dan Udin Kabelen.

Official: Jeri Bura, manager Karolus

Official Adonara FC.



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    Carina Bevan 2 tahun ago


    We have hacked your website https://jejakpublik.com and extracted your databases.

    H0w did this happen?

    0ur team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to expl0it. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get y0ur database credentials and extract y0ur entire database and move the informati0n to an offshore server.

    What d0es this mean?

    We will systematically g0 thr0ugh a series of steps of t0tally damaging y0ur reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their inf0rmati0n has been sold 0r leaked and y0ur site https://jejakpublik.com was at fault thusly damaging your reputati0n and having angry cust0mers/associates with whatever angry cust0mers/ass0ciates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off 0f blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

    H0w do i stop this?

    We are willing to refrain fr0m destroying y0ur site’s reputati0n f0r a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (.16 BTC).

    Please send the bitcoin to the f0ll0wing Bitcoin address (Make sure to c0py and paste):


    0nce y0u have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please n0te that y0u have t0 make payment within 5 days after receiving this e-mail 0r the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index 0f y0ur site WiLL start!

    H0w do i get Bitcoins?

    You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites 0r even 0ffline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

    What if i don’t pay?

    if you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uph0ld it until you d0, there’s no c0unter measure to this, y0u will only end up wasting more money trying to find a s0luti0n. We will c0mpletely destroy y0ur reputati0n amongst go0gle and your cust0mers.

    This is not a h0ax, do not reply t0 this email, d0n’t try to reason 0r neg0tiate, we will not read any replies. once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and y0u will never hear from us again!

    Please note that Bitcoin is anonym0us and n0 one will find 0ut that you have c0mplied.