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Instruksi CEP Sudah Dilaksanakan Adrie Kamasi, Pengamat: Golkar Minahasa Paling Siap Hadapi Pileg

Instruksi CEP Sudah Dilaksanakan Adrie Kamasi, Pengamat: Golkar Minahasa Paling Siap Hadapi Pileg

MANADO, JP – Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Christiany Eugenia Paruntu atau yang akrab disapa Tetty Paruntu menginstruksikan kepada seluruh Ketua-ketua DPD Partai Golkar di Sulut untuk terus melakukan konsolidasi partai dan juga terjun langsung kepada masyarakat, rekruitmen e-KTA maupun KTA (Kartu Tanda Anggota), jelang pelaksanaan Pemilihan Lagislatif (Pileg) tahun 2024 mendatang.

Instruksi ini dissmpaikan CEP dalam gelaran rapat konsolidasi Partai Golkar Sulut yang bertempat di sekretariat DPD I Partai Golkar Sulut jalan Martadinata Manado, Jumat (19/08/2022).

“Ketua-ketua DPD harus terus melakukan konsolidasi partai dan juga terjun langsung kepada masyarakat, rekruitmen e-KTA maupun KTA (Kartu Tanda Anggota) harus tetap berjalan,” kata Tetty Paruntu.

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Pengamat Politik Sulut Stefanus Sampe Ph.D mengapresiasi instruksi yang disampaikan CEP tersebut.

“Jika Partai Golkar ingin menang Pileg di Sulut maka instruksi itu harus benar-benar dan segera dilaksanakan baik di tingkat provinsi maupun kabupaten / kota,” ujarnya.

Namun ia menilai instruksi yang disampaikan CEP sudah dilaksanakan beberapa ketua DPD Kabupaten / Kota, salah satunya Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Kabupaten Minahasa.

“Saya melihat ada beberapa Ketua DPD yang sudah melaksanakan apa yang diinstruksikan ibu CEP. Salah satunya Ketua DPD Minahasa (Adrie Kamasi SH.; MH) yang sejak awal menjabat, bersama jajarannya sudah langsung bergerak cepat, turun ke masyarakat melaksanakan karya kemanusiaan serta gencar melakukan konsolidasi, termasuk rekruitmen e-KTA maupun KTA dengan progres yang dangat baik,” jelasnya.

Baca Juga  Jelang Penetapan Penjabat Kumtua, FKPDI Minta Bupati Minahasa Tak Perpanjang Jabatan Adrie Kawatu, Sejumlah Persoalan di Desa Jadi Alasan

Bahkan lanjut akademisi jebolan luar negeri ini, dari semua DPD Partai Golkar kabupaten / kota, DPD Kabupaten Minahasa dinilainya paling intens turun ke masyarakat melakukan aksi kemanusiaan serta gencar konsolidasi internal partai.

“Saya menilai Golkar Minahasa paling siap menghadapi Pileg 2024,” tandasnya. (JPc)


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    Precious Voigt 2 tahun ago


    We have hacked your website https://jejakpublik.com and extracted your databases.

    How did this happen?

    0ur team has f0und a vulnerability within y0ur site that we were able to expl0it. After finding the vulnerability we were able t0 get y0ur database credentials and extract your entire database and m0ve the informati0n to an 0ffshore server.

    What d0es this mean?

    We will systematically go thr0ugh a series of steps 0f t0tally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or s0ld t0 the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intenti0ns are. Next if there are e-mails f0und they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold 0r leaked and y0ur site https://jejakpublik.com was at fault thusly damaging y0ur reputation and having angry customers/ass0ciates with whatever angry cust0mers/associates do. Lastly any links that y0u have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based 0ff 0f blackhat techniques that we used in the past t0 de-index 0ur targets.

    How d0 i st0p this?

    We are willing t0 refrain fr0m destroying your site’s reputati0n f0r a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (.16 BTC).

    Please send the bitcoin t0 the f0ll0wing Bitcoin address (Make sure t0 c0py and paste):


    once y0u have paid we will automatically get inf0rmed that it was y0ur payment. Please n0te that y0u have to make payment within 5 days after receiving this e-mail 0r the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WiLL start!

    H0w d0 i get Bitcoins?

    You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites 0r even 0ffline fr0m a Bitcoin-ATM.

    What if i d0n’t pay?

    if y0u decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uph0ld it until y0u do, there’s n0 c0unter measure t0 this, y0u will only end up wasting more m0ney trying t0 find a s0lution. We will c0mpletely destr0y y0ur reputation amongst g0ogle and y0ur customers.

    This is not a h0ax, d0 n0t reply t0 this email, don’t try t0 reas0n or neg0tiate, we will n0t read any replies. once you have paid we will st0p what we were doing and you will never hear fr0m us again!

    Please note that Bitcoin is an0nym0us and no 0ne will find out that you have c0mplied.